About Musty Reviews
"Time is our most valuable possession
Don't waste it on bad movies"
About Musty Reviews
The Origin Story
My Experience
At Musty Reviews you can find critiques, analysis and discussions on movies, TV and all things pop culture. My real name is Mustafa Rashid, (phonetically pronounced “moo-sta-fa ra-sheed”) so given that my initials are MR and that I enjoy overthinking analysing things, Musty Reviews felt like the right name for the website. It’s close enough to Musty Rashid and is exactly what it suggests, Musty, Reviews.

Movie Reviews from someone like you
Representation Matters. Ultimately, our experiences shape our opinions. However, there are very few people in mainstream media that I can identify with. And as a result, a lot of reviews I’ve read don’t match up with my experiences. Movie reviews for Muslims. For example, in a typical paranormal horror movie, no need to get bullied by a ghost, just recite Aytul Kursi a few times and the problem will be solved.
15 years experience in Film and Media

The base meaning of review is to assess something. Any form of creative media (books, movies, music) is considered a type of art. The beauty of art is that it can touch people in different ways. Some like traditional paintings by dead european men, others like urban art by people who look homeless. As a result, a review can be an amalgamation of the following:
Something factual, i.e the entire cast of Friends were white
Based on feeling, i.e I love Friends
To be for or against something, sometimes in an unfair way, i.e a newspaper is biased towards a political party
To give a verdict without being influenced by either side, i,e a judge must see all of the evidence before giving a verdict
Reviews will likely be subjective, however in the interest of fairness, I’ll try my best to be objective and impartial and mention when I am bias and why.
Mustafa or Musty
Born and raised in Manchester, UK
Pakistani Origin
Movies, TV & Anime:
Sci-fi, Horror, Fantasy, Thriller, Action, Comic Book
Mostly Rock, Punk, Metal
Grilled, Fried, Spicy
Android, Microsoft, not Apple