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Fresh Film reviews by yours truly!

S01 E02: The Failed Kingdom
Jurassic Spoilers Inside. This week I will be looking into Jurassic World: The Fallen Kingdom and my reaction to why it didn’t work for me. Also this week’s episode of Agents of Shield, The Ten Commandments & more

S01 E01 – The New Deal
Last week we saw the return of my favourite TV show Agents of Shield & the new record, Hollywood Park, from my favourite band The Airborne Toxic Event. I can’t think of a better time to get back into entertainment reviews.

My Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies Part 2
Goofy gore, epic fantasies & dystopian futures

My Top 5 Sci-Fi Movies
A lot of these are Popular movies but I like them for weird reasons

My Top 5 Horror Movies
Hordes of zombies, demonic possessions and a truly horrifying movie tops the list.
About Musty Reviews
The Origin Story
My Experience
At Musty Reviews you can find critiques, analysis and discussions on movies, TV and all things pop culture. My real name is Mustafa Rashid, (phonetically pronounced “moo-sta-fa ra-sheed”) so given that my initials are MR and that I enjoy overthinking analysing things, Musty Reviews felt like the right name for the website. It’s close enough to Musty Rashid and is exactly what it suggests, Musty, Reviews.

Movie Reviews from someone like you
Representation Matters. Ultimately, our experiences shape our opinions. However, there are very few people in mainstream media that I can identify with. And as a result, a lot of reviews I’ve read don’t match up with my experiences.
15 years experience in Film and Media